It wears you out all this running about !!

Although Luke is quite happy I'm sure, getting all the attention and lazing his days away after his outings lying in the sunshine on his own, with every whim catered for, I feel it is time he had a little companion , maybe a nice older female dog . Persuading Dave however that its a good idea is another thing !!!
Luke is so much better now with other dogs and really loves to play and runs to meet them when he is out, we still have a few issues when he is on his lead, but with time I know he will improve , it isnt aggression, its just excitement because he wants to be near them.
Luke has been with us now for over 5 months, he has been in rescue for nearly 10 months, I feel his chances of getting a lovely new home will be increased if we know he can live happily with other dogs. so.... I will keep working on Dave and will keep you informed of my progress, !!!
here are more pics of Luke and one of his friends, as you can see he is now quite a water babe .
Love linda and luke x