Tuesday 29 April 2008

Lukes friend Shane

This is Shane Lukes little yorkie friend, I tried to get a photo of them both together today but they werent still long enough and raced around like a couple of whirlwinds, He is a gorgeous little chap and greets me with the most wonderful smile at first I thought he was growling but he isnt, its so funny to see.The strangest thing is that we lost our own little yorkshire terrier last october, Georgie was 14 years old and was a treasured member of our family untill heart failure took her from us, little shane is very much like her and it is a bit wierd to see him running in our garden like Georgie did, maybe Georgie has sent him to keep an eye on us, its a nice thought.

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1 comment:

BenTheRotti said...

aaaww Shane is a cutie!! I have a West Highland Terrier next door to me, he likes to bark at me a lot but in reality he adores me.. hehehe

Ben xx